Adams' Apiary & Backyard Bees

Why bees?

Every year for the past several years I have kept a small garden in the back yard. Each year I have a hard time with produce. This spring I started paying especially close attention to the pollinators I was seeing in the garden. Over the course of about a week I noticed only a scant few honeybees on any of the flowers. At that moment I heard a little calling, it was telling me I need to help the bees so they could help me and my garden.

In my childhood, in the hills and hollers of West Virginia, most of our neighbors had apiaries so I am ‘used to’ and unbothered by bees or their stings. I took the past few weeks and months to read and watch gobs of content regarding bee husbandry. On May 19, 2021, I installed a nuc of honeybees into a ten frame Langstroth hive in the back yard.

This is only the beginning, watch this space as I develop my ideas and begin to offer my services so that we can continue to help the bees help us.